
Kingdom of deception catgirl
Kingdom of deception catgirl

I'll indicate when you need to rest because time and stamina are an issue during this event.

kingdom of deception catgirl

In order to save Kulgan, you'll need to finish the event on this day.

Kingdom of deception catgirl trial#

Apparently the trial was about to move forward again - if she wanted to get involved, she needed to act as soon as possible.". When waking up on the 19th day, this text will appear : "When Sabia woke up, she discovered a large number of orcs were arguing about whether or not a specific orc would be executed for treason that day. Running the errand for Dajrab grants you Orc Ring and access to a *SCENE* This walkthrough only covers 3 routes : - Alliance with Tekrok + Errand for Dajrab - Alliance with Rokgrid + Errand for Dajrab - Alliance with Rokgrid + Alliance with Tekrok + Errand for Dajrab Your choice will have a big impact on the game.

kingdom of deception catgirl

Hunting grants ingredients for potions and XP, it also give you access to the Hunting training (+10 MaxStamina) after doing it 6 times. Making an alliance with Rokgrid grants you 20 Lundils and access to hunting. Making an alliance with Tekrok grants you Orc Slave Armor and access to two *SCENES*. To complete this event, you need to make an alliance with Tekrok and/or Rokgrid and/or run an errand for Dajrab. He's also the coder who made the awesome in-game shop. If you want to try something different, you should follow Ndsferrari's Sabia's Route walkthrough. If you've fallen in love with Sabia and don't want to see her be abused by orcs or sell her body, you can avoid those scenes without failing the game. If you want it, she will betray, torture and enslave as much as she can. If you want Sabia to be a BADASS, you can. Despite being in depth, this walkthrough doesn't cover every single combination of Major choices. Reddit user /u/s3382306 made a more story-based guide if that's what you like. You can explore all the dialogue options to know more about the lore and the characters. One thing to keep in mind, when talking to most NPCs I won’t exhaust all the dialogue options in this walkthrough (same thing in Ndsferrari's) I'll merely point out the options that give you some stats. In ordor to do so, I try to : - Maximize Affection Loyalty Combat Stats - Have more Domination than Submission - Focus more on Freedom than on Slavery - Get every Item You can't see every scene in one playthrough. My goal is to trigger as many *SCENES* as possible. This game use multiple variables (or stats) to reflect that. In this game, you'll have to make Major choices and also Choice I recommend Choice I don't recommend I'll try to give as much information and Choice-related information. Every choice you make will affect the game, some more than others. Kingdom of Deception is NOT a linear game. Ġ.4.2 *InDepth* Walkthrough by JohnDupont

kingdom of deception catgirl

0.4.2 *InDepth* Walkthrough by JohnDupont Kingdom of Deception is NOT a linear game.

Kingdom of deception catgirl